Combustible cladding such as Aluminium Composite Panel (ACP) blasted into our collective awareness in 2017 following the tragic fire at Grenfell Tower in London where 72 people died. A malfunctioning refrigerator was the fire source and was quickly put out. Unfortunately, by the time the source was extinguished the flames had reached the exterior. A […]
How Different is Queensland Body Corporate Legislation?
I write about Queensland body corporate legislation, which is not too hard to figure out since that’s where I live. Plus I rather give it away with the great big banner on my website saying “I write about QLD legislation”. That said, people from a lot more places than Queensland read this website. When you […]
The Problem With Body Corporate Maintenance
One of the most attractive things about living in a body corporate is the ability to have the body corporate maintenance undertaken by someone who isn’t you. Of course there’s always a trade-off and in this case it’s that you pay quite handsomely for the privilege. And that’s the fundamental problem with body corporate maintenance; […]
3 Common Body Corporate Committee Issues That Will Affect All Lot Owners
It’s a common myth that the body corporate manager is in charge of a body corporate, so much so that it often comes as a surprise for those new to strata schemes that it’s actually a Committee who have the power and responsibility; well the Committee along with all the lot owners. One of the […]
Case Study: An Ineffective Response To A Body Corporate Dispute
I did a search the other day that contained this item regarding a body corporate dispute: Tabled correspondence from the Caretaker complaining of by-law breaches by unit x (The Secretary)… There have been altercations between The Secretary and the Caretaker including physical and verbal violence. The committee discussed the matter (The Secretary was absent) and […]
10 Simple Steps To Avoid Body Corporate Disputes
Body corporate disputes are the worst. It’s bad enough fighting with your neighbours but when they live across the hall it adds and extra little dimension of hell that makes life really uncomfortable. It’s impossible to avoid disputes entirely but there are some simple things each lot owner can do that will go a long way […]
Substantial Levies In Arrears
Levies in arrears are always an issue for body corporates, but especially so when those arrears become substantial. I have defined substantial levies in arrears as over 20 – 25% of total funds held – calculated by dividing levies in arrears by current total funds held. This is the point where liquidity will start to […]