3 Common Body Corporate Committee Issues That Will Affect All Lot Owners

It’s a common myth that the body corporate manager is in charge of a body corporate, so much so that it often comes as a surprise for those new to strata schemes that it’s actually a Committee who have the power and responsibility; well the Committee along with all the lot owners. One of the […]

Body Corporate Meetings: How To Keep In Touch

Something that comes up again and again in body corporate records is owners complaining about levies. Usually special levies, one off, or even multiple levies, issued to owners for a specific project. Inevitably someone complains “I knew nothing about it. How can you do this without letting us know?” Of course a body corporate can’t […]

The Hazards of a Poor Body Corporate Committee

For the vast majority of lot owners paying levies, observing by-laws and voting at general meetings will be the sum of their involvement with the body corporate. To a chosen few falls the task of leading and decision making. Management of a body corporate is a simple enough premise: all the lot owners combined vote […]

Body Corporate Management: Who’s In Charge?

Most lot owners experience of their body corporate management is levy notices, agendas and minutes in the mail. For others there may be some interaction with the onsite building manager. But who actually is in charge? It helps to think of a body corporate as a country, and a democratic one at that, ruled by […]

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