How Different is Queensland Body Corporate Legislation?

I write about Queensland body corporate legislation, which is not too hard to figure out since that’s where I live. Plus I rather give it away with the great big banner on my website saying “I write about QLD legislation”. That said, people from a lot more places than Queensland read this website. When you […]

15 Signs of a Healthy Body Corporate

A healthy body corporate is what every purchaser wants when they buy a unit. A pre purchase strata report is all about investigating the scheme to find that out. How exactly do we do that? I did a search where the client specifically requested that I look for evidence on the effectiveness of the Committee. Luckily […]

What Is A Body Corporate?

The complicated answer to the question “What is a Body Corporate?” is, it’s a mechanism for holding and managing common property. To make things a little clearer lets look at a simple illustration. A Simple Land Subdivision The process of developing land is relatively simple to understand. A developer wants to subdivide lot 1 on […]

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