Welcome to the MyBodyCorpReport.com.au Blog
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It’s a little overwhelming when you see it all set out like this so if you’re not sure what you’re looking for a better place to start might be Body Corporate Information.
Section 206 disclosure statements to be phased out, replaced - The Property Law Bill 2023 was passed by legislative assembly on 25th October 2023. This bill modernises Queensland’ property legislation and implements a seller disclosure scheme in Queensland. Once enacted sellers of free-hold land, which would include lots in a body corporate, will be required to disclose relevant information to a buyer in a single […]
Types of body corporate - When we talk about body corporate most people picture either a high rise building or a group of townhouses. Strata titling, the process that creates a body corporate can be used for all sorts of developments. In this article I look at the most common types of body corporate. Duplex and Triplex The most common form […]

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If you didn’t maybe you could send me an email. I’m always looking for ideas for the MyBodyCorpReport.com.au blog and, if you had the question, there’s probably many more owners or buyers who have the same question.
Thank you for reading and if there is anything I can help with please let me know.
Lisa Rutland